Robinson High School Class of 1958

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Grade School Pictures

Thanks goes out to Bernie Landsbaum for sending me most of these vintage pictures. If anyone else has any pictures they would like me to add please contact me at


5th Grade Mrs. Paul 1950-1951

1st Row:  Floyd Doyle, Anita Wilson, Sharon Lutz, Paul Beard, Jimmy Watson, Beverly Sparks,  Darrell Wagoner, Sarah Moore, Joan Faught.

2nd Row: Larry  ?, Nolan Stewart, Karen Conrad, Bernard Landsbaum, Pete ?, Johnny Lyons, Donny Gatton, Carolyn Schlosser, Mary McCord.

3rd Row: Ray Matheny, Billy Allison, Vicki Young, Bob Seigel, Charles Walker, John Rankin, Mary Meeks, Rosanne Harrison, Patrick McIntosh.

Back Row: Mrs. Paul, Ela Bolton, Lowena Ruddell, Margaret Rodgers, Paul Murray, ? ?, Carl York, James Rash, Charles Littlejohn.


4th Grade Miss Raines May 1950


1st row: Anita Wilson, Jerry Miller, JoAnn Franklin, ? Dollahan, boy ??, George Vanleer, Don Culbertson, girl ??.

2nd row: Don McCrory, Bonita Lingafelter, Mary Meeks, Joene Guyer, Linda Lorance, girl ??, girl ??, Mary McCord, Bernie Landsbaum.

3rd row: boy ??, girl ??, boy ??, Jerry Tennis, Billy Walker, Ann McCoy, girl ??, Joan Whitten.

4th row: Miss Raines, Juanita Wheeler, Richard Whitmer, Vicki Young, Margaret Rodgers, girl ??, Larry Dedrick, boy ??.


Front row: Anita Wilson, JoAnn Franklin, Joyce Franklin, Sharon Hildebrand, ? ?, Waggoner, Sharon Lutz, Raydene Stanley, Phyllis Loyc, Connie Alumbaugh.
2nd row: Jack Kilburn, Alice Snodgrass, Finis Bandy, J.D. Miller, Eela Bolton, ? ?, Ann McCoy, Don Wilson,
3rd row: Okey Rich, Jerry Tennison, Juanita Wheeler, Myrna Johnson, Bernard Landsbaum, Linda Lorrance, Pete Tracy.
4th row: Joan Whitten, Linda Daron, ? ?, David ?, Richard Whitmer, Larry Dedrick, Don Hancock.

