Robinson High School Class of 1958

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2nd Grade Mrs. Moorehead
Front Row: Jerry Tennis, Raedene Stanley, Donnie Wilson ?, Joan Messenger, girl ??, Bonita Lingafelter, Connie Alumbaugh, Jerry Dee Miller, Marie Guyer, Paul Beard, Anita wilson.
2nd Row: Mrs. Moorehead, Jimmy Waldrop ?, Karen Conrad, Okie Rich, Mary Meek, Rodney Bogue ?, Mary McCord, Finis Bandy, Gene McDaniel, Sue Ruddell, Patrick McIntosh, girl ??.
Top Row: Pete Tracy, John Lyon, Juanita Wheeler, Bernie Landsbaum, Margaret Rodgers, James Rash ?, Linda Lowrance, David English, Vickie Young, Carl York, Mary Lynn Smith.


1st Grade Mrs. Prior, May 10, 1947

Front Row: Sarah Moore, Ann McCoy, Richard Whitmer, Joan Messenger, Don Hancock, Larry Dedrick, Mary Meek, Jerry Tennis, Sharon Hildebrand, Vickie Young, Gene McDaniel.

2nd Row: boy ??, Dick Pethel, Don Wilson, girl ??, Betty Shedelbower, Don Culbertson, Connie Alumbaugh, Jerry Dee Miller, Linda Lowrance, Bernie Landsbaum.

Top Row: Mrs. Prior, George Vanleer, Myrna Johnson, Marilyn Smith, Joan Whitten, Lynda Daron, David English, Carolyn Stinson, Pete Tracy, Kay Alexander, Mary McCord.


Kindergarten Mrs.Brantly 1945-46
Front Row: Kenny Watts, Sharon Lutz, boy ??, boy ??, George Vanleer, boy ??, Callie Hayes, Rose Hayes, Betty Shedelbower, Joan Messenger, Pat Bayne.
2nd Row: Lynda Daron, Donnie Hancock, Don Culbertson, Ann McCoy, boy ??, Larry Dedrick, Sharon Hildebrand, Richard Whitmer, Jerry Dee Miller, Kay Alexander, Connie Alumbaugh.
3rd Row: Alice Snodgrass, Vickie Young, Carolyn Schlosser, Mary McCord, Mary Lynn Smith, Gene McDaniel, Pete Tracy, boy ??, Bernie Landsbaum.
